Familism and HIV Risk Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Taiwan: The Mediating Roles of Stressful Life Events and Coping Strategies
Familism may play an important role in HIV risk behaviors among men who have sex with men (MSM) living in a collectivist culture. This study examined a hypothesized path from familism, stressful life events (i.e., adverse childhood experiences, intimate partner violence, and sexuality-related discriminatory experiences), and coping strategies to condomless anal sex (CAS) among Taiwanese MSM. Participants were 1,000 MSM (mean age = 28.5 years) recruited through five community-based organizations. Structural equation modeling using bootstrapping with 3,000 iterations evaluated the mediating effects of 14 coping strategies. We found a pathway from familism to CAS through stressful life events and substance use coping. The protective effects of familism on stressful life events and CAS suggest that integrating components of family support and family connection into HIV prevention and education programs may increase the effectiveness of these programs in reducing HIV risk behaviors and dysfunctional coping strategies among MSM in Taiwan.
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