Published Online:January 2011
- 1. Studying political decision-making as a cognitive process: is it interdisciplinary? A bibliometric analysisOnline publication date: 6 December 2024. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 2. Aligning working‐class interests and preferences: The case of inheritance taxOnline publication date: 7 July 2024. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 3. Advising elite performers: the role of intuition, trust and expertiseOnline publication date: 30 September 2024. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 4. İlkokul 4. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Politik Okuryazarlık Ve Sosyal Katılım Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesiOnline publication date: 30 August 2023. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 5. Overlapping polarization: On the contextual determinants of the interplay between ideological and affective polarizationOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 6. Political trust in a multilevel polity: patterns of differentiation among more and less politically sophisticated citizensOnline publication date: 2 July 2021. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 7. La confiance politique dans les systèmes politiques à plusieurs niveaux : modèles de différenciation entre les citoyens plus ou moins avertis politiquementOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 8. The Cambridge Handbook of Personality PsychologyOnline publication date: 18 September 2020. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 9. Personality and PoliticsOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 10. Güncellenen Sosyal Bilgiler Programının Politik Okuryazarlık Becerisi Bakımından YeterliliğiOnline publication date: 16 December 2018. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 11. The Epistemic Value of Emotions in PoliticsOnline publication date: 31 July 2017. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 12. Political Literacy and Citizenship in Korean Youth - formation of civic consciousness through political knowledge in civic education -Online publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 13. Political sophistication affects how citizens’ social policy preferences respond to the economyOnline publication date: 13 June 2017. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 14. Youthizen, Political Literacy, and Social MediaOnline publication date: 21 December 2018. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 15. Small‐Group Dynamics, Ideology, and Decision Making on the US Courts of AppealsOnline publication date: 27 December 2016. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 16. Age and domain specific usability analysis of opinion visualisation techniquesOnline publication date: 10 May 2016. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 17. Choice in politics: Equivalency framing in economic policy decisions and the influence of expertiseOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 18. A Deeper Look at the Relationship between Political Knowledge and Political Participation: Evidence from Presidential and Legislative Elections in TaiwanOnline publication date: 16 November 2015. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 19. Political Literacy Status of Pre-Service Social Studies TeacherOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 20. The Effects of Information and Predisposition on Individual Responses to Hypothetical Survey QuestionsOnline publication date: 28 February 2015. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 21. Judicial Specialization and Ideological Decision Making in the US Courts of AppealsOnline publication date: 27 December 2018. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 22. The Affect Effect of Political Satire: Sarcastic Humor, Negative Emotions, and Political ParticipationOnline publication date: 16 May 2014. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 23. Discussion of “Are Analysts' Cash Flow Forecasts Naïve Extensions of Their Own Earnings Forecasts?”Online publication date: 13 June 2013. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 24. Communication Mediation Model of Late-Night Comedy: The Mediating Role of Structural Features of Interpersonal Talk Between Comedy Viewing and Political ParticipationOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 25. Explanatory Study on the Concept of Design Sophistication toward Building the Theory of Design LiteracyOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 26. Electoral volatility, political sophistication, trust and efficacy: A study on changes in voter preferences during the Belgian regional elections of 2009Online publication date: 1 July 2011. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 27. The Emotional Citizen: Emotion as a Function of Political SophisticationOnline publication date: 12 May 2011. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 28. Knowledge, Ambivalence, and Congressional ApprovalOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 29. Priming Bush and Iraq in 2008: A Survey ExperimentOnline publication date: 3 March 2010. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 30. Feeling the Issue: How Citizens' Affective Reactions and Leadership Perceptions Shape Policy EvaluationsOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 31. Machen Medien Kluge klüger? Der Zusammenhang zwischen Expertenstatus, Studiengang und FachwissenOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 32. Expertise, Experience, and Ideology on Specialized Courts: The Case of the Court of Appeals for the Federal CircuitOnline publication date: 1 January 2024. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 33. Closing the Gap: When Do Cues Eliminate Differences between Sophisticated and Unsophisticated Citizens?Online publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 34. The Central Role of Group‐Based Hatred as an Emotional Antecedent of Political Intolerance: Evidence from IsraelOnline publication date: 15 January 2009. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 35. Competition in the Courtroom: When Does Expert Testimony Improve Jurors' Decisions?Online publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 36. ‘Everybody's entitled to their own opinion’: ideological dilemmas of liberal individualism and active citizenshipOnline publication date: 26 February 2007. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 37. Racial Differences in Information, Expectations, and AccountabilityOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 38. Homogeneous Models and Heterogeneous VotersOnline publication date: 1 December 2005. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 39. Who Toes the Party Line? Cues, Values, and Individual DifferencesOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 40. When political expertise moderates the impact of scandals on young adults' judgments of politiciansOnline publication date: 16 March 2005. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 41. Personalizing Politics: A Congruency Model of Political Preference.Online publication date: 1 January 2004. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 42. Is the public's ignorance of politics trivial?Online publication date: 6 March 2008. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 43. Political Context, Issue Salience, and Selective Attentiveness: Constituent Knowledge of the Clarence Thomas Confirmation VoteOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 44. Preference FormationOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 45. Examining Candidate Information Search Processes: The Impact of Processing Goals and SophisticationOnline publication date: 10 January 2006. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 46. The aims, methods, and effects of deliberative civic education through the national issues forumsOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 47. Politics: The education effectOnline publication date: 19 August 2010. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 48. A Model of Candidate Evaluations in Senate Elections: The Impact of Campaign IntensityOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 49. The Structure of Attitudes Toward Groups: A Comparison of Experts and NovicesOnline publication date: 1 September 1997. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 50. The Role of Political Sophistication in Learning From NewsOnline publication date: 1 June 1997. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 51. Political Expertise and Issue Voting in Presidential ElectionsOnline publication date: 1 June 1997. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 52. Gut-Level Emotions and the Presidential VoteOnline publication date: 1 April 1997. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 53. Public responses to the presidential use of military force: A panel analysisOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 54. “Not a small number of notables”: The geographical and occupational structure of the central verein membership during its first yearsOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 55. Individual and Contextual Variations in Political Candidate AppraisalOnline publication date: 2 September 2013. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 56. Political Expertise and AffectOnline publication date: 1 October 1993. Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar
- 57. The influence of individual differences on the perception and categorization of leadersOnline publication date: Go to citation Crossref Google Scholar